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Sub Category:New Feature
Funding Goal:200000 EXOR(~$19,993.80 USD total)*
Funded:0 / 200000 EXOR(~$19,993.80 USD remaining)*
Funding Address:ERmJGF6VTFREg5GALi1zuqT3sigFFSetFw
Date Added:30-Sep-2023

A pair of new command-line arguments will be added ('-l' and '--log') which will enable the seeder to dump useful data into a log file while the app is running. Each line in the log file will correspond to a single event and be prefixed with the computer's current date and time.

At a minimum, the following data should be logged to a file called debug.log in the root of the seeder directory:

  1. Log the Node IP address or host information + port # as nodes are being tested for connectivity, along with the result of the test (if passed all tests then it is logged as a good node, or if it is a bad node, why did it fail?)
  2. The IsGood() function should be logged to determine where it fails
  3. Any data that is printed to the terminal should be output to the log. This should also include the many places in the code where printf lines are commented out (the commented code may prove to be some of the most useful data for debugging)
  4. If using one or more block explorers, log the url being checked, and the result (block height or error)
  5. Report when a DNS request is received, from who (ip address), and the list of good nodes that are sent at that moment
* USD estimates are based on the last known EXOR trading price