Due to an overwhelming number of project ideas, the majority of Exor tasks will be crowdfunded by the community. Most tasks will have a funding goal which must be met via payments in EXOR coins before development will begin. Vote with your coins for the features and changes you are most excited for on any of the development projects that Exor maintains. A single person can fund an entire task themselves or you can collaborate with others to bring the task to the funding goal collectively. EXOR coins collected for each task will be paid to the developer who successfully completes the task. All software developers are welcome to participate and help complete tasks for open source software. Before starting development work on any task, please first contact Team Exor using one of the Stay In Touch links at the bottom of the homepage to ensure someone else has not already begun work on the same task.
Please note that we reserve the right to change the funding goals for any and all tasks at any point without notice (excluding tasks that have already been funded or completed). This can help to ensure that funding goals are reflective of the current coin value and prevent from having tasks with goals that are much too high or low based on the task difficulty.
How to fund a particular task:
- Find a task you wish to see developed from the List of unfunded tasks and take note of how many coins are needed for the funding goal, plus how many coins have already been funded
- Purchase EXOR coins from the Exchange or open your existing Exor wallet
- Send as many coins as you would like to the Wallet Address associated with the unfunded task. If you do not send enough coins to meet the task's funding goal, you can always send more coins later or wait for others to complete the funding goal
- Once the task has reached or gone over the funding goal, the task will be put into priority queue and development will begin asap
- When the task development has been completed and passed quality assurance testing, the coins collected for the funding goal will be released to the developer(s) who helped to complete the task
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Have an idea for a new feature or project that you would like to see added to the list of development tasks? Visit the Add New Task page to let us know about it.
generic-snapshots |
New Project |
250000 EXOR(~$25,248.75 USD total)* |
(~$25,248.75 USD remaining)* |
| |
EZAf6TSzNmcmAeEWbG2F7z1mZ94gwJRPRV |
17-Jun-2024 |
The "generic-snapshots" project can be used to create and manage
blockchain snapshots for any altcoin either as a plugin/add-on to the
eIquidus block explorer or as a standalone solution with its own
built-in web server. This project is already fairly complete and a
working example of how it looks on the front-end can be seen here: https://explorer.exor.io/snapshots.
are a couple of reasons this project is being released as an add-on
instead of a core feature of the block explorer. First of all, although
we have received many requests to add this type of functionality to the
explorer, snapshot creation has little to do with the explorer itself
and in some respects it belongs in its own separate corner of the
internet. That being said, it is certainly handy to have all or many
blockchain-related functions in one place and therefore it is up to the
coin developer/administrator to choose if they would like to include
snapshots in the explorer or host them on a separate domain. Probably
the #1 reason for being released separately is that it requires a 2nd
core wallet to be run alongside the explorer. Making snapshot backups of
any blockchain usually requires that you fully shut down the wallet
software before trying to make the snapshot. Failure to do this could
result in creating a corrupt snapshot if 1 or more new blocks arrive
while the data files are being archived. While it would be possible to
use the explorer node as the snapshot wallet, it would cause downtime
for the explorer every time a snapshot was scheduled to be created. Not
only that, but running a node like the explorer wallet 24/7 will
undoubtedly pick up and store orphaned blocks along the way and that
"extra" data will only add unnecessary bloat to the snapshots.
Therefore, a 2nd wallet is paramount to creating high quality blockchain
snapshots. Please note that the generic-snapshots project
requires a coin wallet that supports the "stopatheight" feature which
was first introduced to the core bitcoin wallet back in 2017. This
ensures that you can start a coin wallet and have it sync to a
particular block without much worry of forking or picking up orphaned
blocks to help ensure the snapshot is as clean and lightweight as
possible. More information about the "stopatheight" feature: Original commit: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/8d6d43e9338ae7315476872cf706d45d237e1841 Updated commit: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/2e7d8f8b7d98b9d60a6304e2853df23301cbd600 This project will include the following features: - Ability to run a standalone snapshot server instance without the need to run an eIquidus block explorer
- Ability
to interface with an existing eIquidus block explorer simply by adding
the generic-snapshots project folder to the block explorer's "plugins"
directory and enabling the plugin inside the explorer's settings file
- Script to automatically create a new snapshot from a dedicated coin
wallet, upload to cloud storage, and send the link to a remote eIquidus explorer
or standalone snapshot server instance
- Script to list all snapshots on the cloud storage server
- Script to delete all snapshots from the cloud storage server
- Script to send a test email to ensure email setting are configured correctly
- Create snapshots in zip and/or tgz format
- Includes a single webpage that links to your coins latest snapshots along with step-by-step installation/usage instructions
- 2 new API's are included:
- getnewestsnapshot: Returns the most recent snapshot data either in json format or return only a single field instead of the entire json object
- getsnapshotlist: Returns the complete list of snapshots in json format
- Email capabilities to send email on success or failure of the create snapshot process
- Fully customizable options, similar in style to what you can find in the eIquidus block explorer
- Full logging capabilities for all scripts
- Support for storing snapshots on Google Drive
- Only English is supported for the initial release but all English strings
are in a central location which should make it easy to translate to
other languages
- Platform independent (tested to run on Windows, MacOS and Linux)
* USD estimates are based on the last known EXOR trading price